Tactics to strategies of objectives 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Goal 2 (Economic and Social) of Ethiopian Democracy.


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Objective 3.  An educated society is essential to the economic strength and progress of the country.

[A balance between the duties of the national government, state and its local governments, and private enterprise are important to permitting wholesome social activities.  Yet, illiteracy among the population will disallow the participation of most in wholesome activities.  To this end, working to attain highest level of literacy is essential for all activities including participation wholesome social activities mentioned Objective 5 of Goal 2.]


            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 3

            2-3-1. Open schools, elementary, high school and colleges, and maintain in good working order those that have been opened.

 Tactics to Strategy 2-3-1

2-3-1-1. Each state has obligations to open public schools, and to encourage the opening of private schools.

            2-3-1-2. Groups, agencies and firms have the right to open schools.

            2-3-1-3.  Farmers associations will recognize with yearly rewards those farmers and their families that have become literate.

            2-3-1-4. Each state will provide statistics of the increase in the literate people each administrative district has.

            2-3-2-5.  The national government will provide $100, 000.00 Ethiopian bir to the aweraja that has attained the highest number in the increase of literate people in its dominion. 


            2-3-2 .  Provide workshops and continuing education opportunities for all sectors of society.  

            Tactics to Strategy 2-3-2 

2-3-2-1. Individuals in public sector societies, the military, the police, and the secret service shall have workshops intended to improve and enhance their professionalism.

2-3-2-1. Individuals in the public sector can offer suggestion on areas they wish to receive workshops.


Objective 4. A healthy people contribute more to the economic strength and progress of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 4

            2-4-1. Establish departments that will educate the populous of the value of hygiene.

            Tactics to Strategy 2-4-1.

            2-4-1-1.  Local government agencies within state department will be charged with providing educational materials to the region under their responsibility.

            2-4-1-2.  Local associations, including farmers association will select the highest improved sector in terms of hygiene in their areas.


2-4-2. Increase the medical clinics and hospitals across the land.

Tactics to Strategy 2-4-2.

2-4-2-1.  Each state government will announce its four year plans about clinins and hospitals, and how to increase their numbers.

2-4-2-2. Local associations including farmers association have the right to entice medical personnel to opinion clinics in their vicinity.


2-4-3. Discuss and encourage family planning.

Tactics to Strategy 2-4-3.

2-4-3-1. Local associations including farmers associations will be engaged in discussion on family on the number of kids each family would have.

2-4-3-2. Local associations including farmers associations will be informed about the varieties of techniques, including using condoms, for having a maximum of a given number of kids.


            2-4-4.  Reduce and eradicate any pandemic that might develop before it flourishes.

 Tactics to Strategy 2-4-4.

2-4-4-1.  The national government through its health agencies will research, monitor, and bring general awareness of the population about diseases that break out from time.

2-4-4-2.  The national government has the duty to get medicines manufactured or bought from abroad so that the public can access to affordable medicine to eradicate diseases before they become pandemics.


Objective 5. Wholesome social activities will strengthen the economic progress of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 5

            2-5-1. Dredge lake floors to increase their water content, build dams across rivers for irrigation and or electricity and also for the added benefit of creating recreation areas.

Tactics to Strategy 2-5-1.

2-5-1-1.  The national government will have a department called Water Authority, which will oversea and mange the rivers and lakes of the nation, and also study weather and climate and deal with drought and flood conditions.

             2-5-1-2.  Rivers emptying in the lakes have added mud and silt to the lake bottoms, and these deposits should be dredged out to provide enough space for holding water.  The appropriate section of the Water Authority department will contract private industries to dredge the lake.

            2-5-1-3. The water Authority department will contract private agencies to construct dams across rivers.  For that reason the water Authority will establish a plan of the dams to be constructed, and secure approval for the plan from the national Congress and Senate.  The dams constructed will serve for damming water for irrigation purposes, for generating electricity and for recreation or for combinations of these. [Considering the eternal animosity of Egypt against Ethiopia’s interest of using waters and tributaries of Abay River, all Ethiopians should be ready to counter threats from Egypt.]


            2-5-2.  Establish more parks, playing fields, build gymnasiums, theaters, and town halls.

Tactics to Strategy 2-5-2.

            2-5-2-1.  Parks Service departments of State governments and associations within cities will plan the maintaining of existent recreation facilities and the opining of others.

            2-5-2-1.   Each city will have at least one theater hall

            2-5-2-3. State governments will give a token of $10,000.00 for the city within their jurisdiction that has shown the most increased attendance in theater halls.


            2-5-3.  Encourage local tourism

Tactics to Strategy 2-5-3.

            2-5-3-1.  Each school will send a plan to the schools superintendent showing which classes have their students have visited the nearest historical site or nationally recognized vista (valley, mountain lake).

            2-5-3-2.  Pamphlets and other educational materials will be distributed through the tourism office about tourist sites within the country.


            2-5-3.  Encourage participation in sport activities across the land.

Tactics to Strategy 2-5-3.

2-5-3-1.  Ask states to assemble a list of sports played in their jurisdiction

2-5-3-2.  Hold competitions in sports between states


Objective 6. The finance, commerce, banking and other economic transactions will be utilized to strengthen the economy of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 6

            2-6-1. Cause the banks and financial institutions to adhere to the principles of Ethiopian Democracy.

Tactics to Strategy 2-6-1.

2-6-1-1. Lending practices by banks and financial institutions will be based on principles that apply to all irrespective of ethnic origin or religious affiliation.

2-6-1-2.  Banks and financial institutions will award some prize to one of their employees who best outshined in the application of Ethiopian Democracy to the financial transactions of the institutions.

2-6-1-3.  The national government will have a central reserve system that will regulate the interest rates charged and the lending practices of private banking and financial institutions.

2-6-1-4.  Individuals who are versed in Ethiopian Democracy in addition to their knowledge and experience in financial matters shall be selected as managers of financial institution, particularly in those institutions which are managed by the government.


            2-6-2. Utilize the financial institutions to foster economic development

Tactics to Strategy 2-6-1. 

2-6-1-1. Since money is printed by central banks in accordance to the worth of the goods and services of a nation, financial institutions should encourage investment that would bring development.

2-6-1-1. Financial institutions will be pro-investment and offer loans for development by holding property of the borrower or other cosigners as collaterals.